We wish to thank all of you for your unwavering support. We have some exciting news. We will be breeding our little Secret this year. She will be bred around March 1st, 2009 to Repriced (1988), winner of $288,412 at the track. The Roberto line is almost dead with only one other stallion left that is a direct decendent. Roberto (1969) was a sire of sires and one of the greatest race horses (Epsom Derby Winner), and stallions in the history of racing and breeding. Her baby will have clean blood (no inbreeding) and have alot of bone and m

Our web site will be launched around February 6th, 2009 and Marc is 90 percent finished with his book on Secret Ta Gold.
There are some exciting media events coming up, and as soon they are confirmed, we will write a post.
Thanks again for the support.
Stay Tuned:)
Marc Raben
Best Kept Secret Racing, LLC