Hi Guys and Gals!!!
As the clock approaches the end of one year and the beginning of another, I feel compelled to write you with some of my thoughts.This has been a very special and also sad year for me. I got to meet so many beautiful children. My baby sister Woodland Fauna was born this year. I also was retired as a race horse this year. My mother Hopeful Game passed away this year as well:( I can promise you that my journey is not complete and I will continue to make a difference in any way I can. That is my resolution to you. We will have my book in 2009, my website, and maybe more bigger projects as things progress. As I write you this from my labtop in my stall, I smile. I smile because of all of you who have been constant supporters of me and my cause. I hope I made a difference and that I was able to show the race horse industry that I am your champion. A champion just like you. Let's join hands together and tell them that I mattered, and not let them forget me. One smile from a child makes this world a better place. I wish all of you much success and happiness in 2009. I wish that all your dreams you could ever dream will become a reality. I hope that you find your secret to gold and it fills your heart with as much joy as I hold inside me. I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With Love,
Secret Ta Gold
Best Kept Secret Racing LLC
Marc Raben